Acupuncture for Pain & InjuryAcupuncture is often not the first option used to treat both acute and chronic pain, but it is a scientifically effective method that is now finding more support from physicians and healthcare professionals.
Acupuncture stimulates the Central Nervous System to alter the secretions of certain neurotransmitters that play a role in pain perception, directly affecting specific pain nerve fibers, and increasing endorphins. Acupuncture treats pain and injury by using individually selected points to stimulate Qi and Blood circulation. Treatments are not limited to treating just the pain, but also address underlying health issues that may contribute to chronic pain, and slow healing. |
What We Treat
"...acupuncture was the only treatment that worked."
Sarah is a lifesaver. She’s helped me out so many times when I’ve had chronic muscle spasms, joint, and nerve pain. There have been times when my pain issues have been debilitating, and acupuncture was the only treatment that worked. Would recommend to anyone in need!
Austin C.
Sarah is a lifesaver. She’s helped me out so many times when I’ve had chronic muscle spasms, joint, and nerve pain. There have been times when my pain issues have been debilitating, and acupuncture was the only treatment that worked. Would recommend to anyone in need!
Austin C.